Are You Overwhelmed with Supplements?

Are You Overwhelmed with Supplements?

Are you overwhelmed with what supplements you are told you should take?
Vitamin D3, B12, Calcium, Magnesium, Folic Acid, CoQ10, MSM, Glucosamine,
Iodine, Iron, a Multi-Vitamin and the list can go on and on!
Unless you get a blood test, it is hard to know what vitamins and minerals you
are deficient in. Most people will go for a multi-vitamin because of this, however,
many multi-vitamins do not get absorbed properly and we just pee them right out!
I want to introduce you to 4 Major Supplements (most often overlooked)
that will get you looking and feeling younger, happier, and help you to shed
the toxic waste/pounds.
Although, there is so much emphasis on vitamins, we most often over look the
four most important supplements that are essential to our health: minerals,
enzymes, sunlight (vitamin D3) and probiotics. Our soil is very depleted in
both minerals and enzymes- even organic soil!

  1. Minerals: Did you know that you can’t absorb vitamins without minerals?
    Minerals help the cell walls become permeable so that vitamins can enter.
    Without proper intake of minerals, our body has to leach minerals from our tissue
    and bones to maintain homeostasis! Can you say “chronic disease” (due to
    depletion), “rapid aging”, cramping, fatigue, stress, etc! Also, you know all that
    tightness and stiffness we feel? MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY ALERT. We all
    need some more magnesium in our diet. This can help with cramping and stress
    tension. I take a Fulvic Mineral Supplement that has 72 trace minerals combined
    with trace vitamins and 18 amino acids.
  2. Sunlight (Vitamin D): Some minerals, such as calcium, cannot be absorbed
    without vitamin D3. The best source of Vitamin D is 15 minutes of sunlight a day
    on most of your body. I also supplement with “Garden of Life: mykind organics”
    vitamin D3 spray. It has helped me get rid of seasonal depression too!
  3. Enzymes: Enzymes are catalysts that help to break down food into their
    molecular structures so that they can be absorbed into the blood stream. When
    we cook food, we denature the enzymes. The soil is also very depleted in
    enzymes, so even raw fruits and veggies are depleted in enzymes. Without
    enzymes, we can’t actually absorb the nutrients from food properly. Undigested
    food becomes toxic to the body. The pancreas releases enzymes to help digest
    food, but if we aren’t replenishing with enzyme rich foods and supplements, this
    will eventually lead to enzyme depletion. I take 3-4 digestive enzymes with every
    meal I eat.
  4. Probiotics: Probiotics (friendly bacteria) is what keeps our gut healthy. There
    is a direct link between the presence of friendly bacteria in the gut and the release of feel good hormones such as serotonin, and dopamine in the brain. The state of our gut is directly linked with the state of our mind.  That is way it is important to clean out the colon through effective colon cleansing, and avoid foods that will clog the colon- processed foods and white flour. There are also foods that feed yeast in the colon and cause what is called “candida overgrowth” including white flour, sugar, alcohol, and fermented foods like vinegar. That is why it is important to eat a clean, plant-based whole foods diet with enzymes, and lots of fiber and to replenish daily with probiotics. Note: when buying a probiotic make sure it has a seal that guarantees the amount of probiotics once it hits the shelf. A lot of brands have zero probiotics in the container once it reaches the shelf. Below is a video I made on the essential supplements I take! Just click the link below!
