About Wholistic Wellness Works, LLC

Wholistic Wellness Works


quality or state of being in good health


a state characterized by anatomical, physiological, and psychological integrity

Old Style Photo. Balanced stones with butterfly on the table


in an unbroken or undamaged state; in one piece


the philosophy that all parts of a thing are interconnected, in medicine, wholistic treatment is the treatment of a person as whole, mine, body and social factors.

Words From the Founder

Carly Rose Foley


I was always a highly driven and ambitious person who was taught if I worked really hard, I could achieve anything. However, while majoring in dance at the University of Arizona, my body couldn’t keep up with my drive anymore.

By my second year in college, I was diagnosed with a crippling anxiety disorder. I had developed tremors and could fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I drank way too much, smoked weed and cigarettes, took sleeping pills to fall asleep, drank coffee to stay awake, ate pizza and fast food at 3:00 AM, was put on anti-anxiety and anti- depressant medication, and was diagnosed with ADD and prescribed Adderrall. All my relationships were unhealthy; I was married and divorced by the age 25, and my overall health was completely failing. I didn’t know how to live anymore.

What I discovered later on, was that all of my coping mechanisms to deal with stress were unhealthy. I had the right kind of work ethic mentality, but I wasn’t living the right kind of lifestyle and getting the proper nourishment to sustain it. For someone who thought, “if I just work hard, I can achieve anything”; physically I couldn't achieve anything at the moment. I also found later on that an underlying virus, EBV; food allergies/sensitivities; and gut dysbiosis/permeability also contributed to my health crises.

While I was going through this experience, I simultaneously had discovered yoga, Pilates, Ayurveda, and all these amazing healing modalities. This was the beginning of my journey back to health and wholeness.

To make a very long story short, with the little strength I had left in me, I finally chose to follow my heart. I moved to California and began my long journey to get my mind, body, and soul back on track. I finished my bachelor’s degree in psychology, with an emphasis in health and stress psychology, at California State University, Long Beach. I received certifications in yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, and massage therapy, and recently got my Master's in Clinical Nutrition! I did a 180 in my life, and went from living with a crippling anxiety disorder, exhaustion, chronic inflammation, major gut discomfort, and painful menstrual cycles, to being a thriving and energetic confident woman. Through my wide-ranging studies, I discovered extremely practical tools that, if applied to anyone’s life, can bring a significant change to their state of well-being.

I took the philosophy of Ayurveda, the science of life and balance, and revamped it for the modern day busy woman (who doesn’t have several hours a day to devote to self-care). I developed a simple program, that is easy for anyone to incorporate into his or her life.

The miracle from having transformed from such a low point into a beautiful thriving life, gave me great impetus into creating the book, “Stress Free For Life.”

This book is my mission to help any woman start thriving in her life so that she can live with energy and balance, and not let stress destruct her inner being.

I want all you ambitious work driven ladies to have all the knowledge I didn’t have in college, so that your body and mind doesn’t hold you back from achieving your highest utmost dreams. I want you to achieve greatness and with balance and ease in your life!

NOTE: I am a Nutrition Intern working under the guidance of Rebecca Snow, the Nutrition and Herbal Collective


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