
Thrive with Adrenal and Whole Body Nourishment

April 11, 2022

The adrenal glands are located right on top of the kidneys1. They are involved in many bodily processes such as hormone and neurotransmitter production, organic acids, fatty acids, the eicosanoid pathway, body weight, bone health,…

10 Benefits of a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet

June 9, 2021

What is a Plant-based/Vegan Diet? Plant-based diet: Focusing on eating whole foods, such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and plant-based oils (unsaturated fats). Vegan diet: Excludes all meat, dairy and eggs…

Increase Fiber to Lose Weight!

January 22, 2024

I have lived a plant-based lifestyle for 20 years now, and I would never turn back! However, even if you are not 100% plant-based, it does not mean that you can’t include more plants and…

Soothe Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diet, Lifestyle and Herbs

December 13, 2022

What is IBS? IBS affects around 3%-15% of the population in western counties1. In actuality, up to 75% of people with IBS are undiagnosed2. Unlike IBD (which includes Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis) or Celiac…

Fix Your Fibromyalgia with Diet, Supplements, and Lifestyle Changes

December 13, 2022

Fibromyalgia, also known as “fibrositis1”, is characterized by widespread pain for at least 3 months2,3. The pain can also be localized along the spine1. There are other characteristics of FM such as fatigue, joint stiffness,…

Healthy Husband, Happy Wife!

October 23, 2022

How to make healthy changes within a relationship It has been a while since I wrote a blog, well aside for the the 30+  blogs I had to write for school! I just recently went…

How to Prevent and Manage Type 2 Diabetes with Diet and Lifestyle

May 17, 2022

Type 2 Diabetes In order to have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, one must have all of the following: hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion1. Insulin is a hormone that…

A Graceful Transition to Menopause

May 15, 2022

Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation1. Not having a period for 12 consecutive months is considered menopause. Perimenopause can last anywhere from 7-11 years and is characterized by changes in menstruation and fluctuation in…

Mitigate Migraines with an Elimination Diet

May 15, 2022

What is a Migraine? Around 90 percent of headaches are either tension headaches, migraines (with aura or without), or a combination of the two1. A tension headache is more of a dull ache and less…

Gently Soothe Your Gerd with A Holistic Approach

May 11, 2022

GERD, which stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease, is when the acidic contents of the stomach reflex into the esophagus more than normally1. This sometimes causes what we know as heartburn. It is actually one of…

Nourish Your Brain to Shield Anxiety

May 7, 2022

We all experience stress, pretty much on a daily basis. Some of us handle stress easier than others, and for some it can be debilitating. Both feelings of fear and anxiety can go along with…